1. Log in to the Money app.
  2. Select the PayShap Request widget.
  3. Choose the request you want to action under Recent requests.
  4. Review the request and select Accept.
  5. Type in the amount you would like to pay.
  6. Choose the account from which you would like to pay.
  7. Review the details of the payment and select Pay.


  1. Log in to Online Banking.
  2. Go to Payshap Request.
  3. Select the PayShap Request widget.
  4. Choose the request you want to action under Recent requests.
  5. Review the request and select Accept.
  6. Type in the amount you would like to pay.
  7. Choose the account from which you would like to pay.
  8. Review the details of the payment and select Pay.


See how to decline a PayShap Request