What the Nedbank credit score feature offers you:


Free and unlimited credit checks – no strings attached.

Regular tips and advice on ways to improve your credit health.

A quick guide on things that are affecting your credit profile.

Check your credit score now

Woman taking notes

What is a credit score and why is it important?

  • While a good credit score doesn't guarantee you a loan, it gives lenders an idea of how you manage credit. 
  • If your score is in the top range (730), it means you are doing well. 
  • If your score is in the lower range (closer to 519), you might need a bit of help managing your credit. 
  • Nedbank’s free credit-scoring tool offers you hints and tips to help improve your credit score and make it easier to get that loan when you need it.
Couple on couch learning about mananging credit score

Ways to manage your credit score

  • Pay all your accounts on time every month.
  • Don't make too many applications for credit at a time.
  • As far as possible, try not to use more than 50% of your available credit.
  • If at any time you have been unable to manage your debt, check whether a court has issued any judgements or administration orders against your name.
Man concerned about his low credit score

Things that can lower your credit score

  • Late account payments.
  • Too many credit applications.
  • Using all your available credit.
  • Having judgements or administration orders against your name.




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