Celebrate without overspending this holiday season

Can you believe another year is almost over? With the festive season around the corner, we’re all looking forward to some quality family time, delicious feasts, and some welcome relaxation. However, when the holiday cheer kicks in, so can the urge to splurge.

But hold on to your Santa hats, because we’re not here just to remind you to check your list twice – we’re also here to unwrap Santa’s secrets to an unforgettable, wallet-friendly holiday season.


Strategies for effortless Christmas shopping on a budget

Bulk buying

Instead of facing the holiday shopping rush alone, why not team up with friends, co-workers, or neighbours for a collective shopping adventure? By buying holiday essentials in bulk as a group, you tap into the cost-saving power of bulk purchases

It’s not only a smart financial move, but also a fun and social way to tackle your December shopping list. Sharing the excitement of snagging discounts and deals together can turn the typically daunting task of holiday shopping into a festive, collaborative experience that benefits everyone involved. Plus, you’ll all have more to celebrate when you realise the savings you’ve achieved collectively.

Bring-and-share get-togethers

Collaborate with family or friends for a pot-luck dinner party – a delightful idea that brings everyone together. Each household brings a different course of the meal, from starters to dessert, allowing everyone to showcase their cooking talents while spreading the joy of the festive season. It also fosters a strong sense of togetherness among friends and family, which is really what the holiday season is about. 

Remember that every card swipe earns you valuable Greenbacks, which you can redeem in many ways

Shop on sale

While some of the best sales happen only after the holidays, with proper planning you can uncover fantastic deals before the gift-giving season arrives. Many stores put out clearance tables or stock specific shelves with discounted items. Take a moment to explore these hidden treasure troves, and you might just stumble upon the perfect gift without breaking the bank.

Also consider exploring online shopping platforms like Avo SuperShop, where you’ll find ongoing deals on a wide range of products, from the latest gadgets to home decor and health and beauty essentials. If you’re a Greenbacks member, you’ll get added discounts when you buy from the Greenbacks Exclusive store on Avo. The best part? Every purchase on Avo not only saves you money, but also earns you valuable AvoPoints, allowing you to treat yourself once you’ve taken care of your holiday shopping list. It’s the perfect way to strike a balance between gift-giving and self-indulgence this festive season.


Give the gift of your time and expertise

Sometimes the most valuable gifts can’t be wrapped. Consider sharing your time and skills as heartfelt presents during the holiday season. Whether you’re a pro at babysitting, a pet lover ready for pet-sitting duties, a handy DIY enthusiast for home repairs, or even a spa-at-home guru, these offerings can be deeply appreciated by friends and family. 

To make it even more special, put together a coupon book filled with these thoughtful services. It’s a way to show your love and care while staying true to your budget. Plus, the recipient gets to enjoy your expertise long after the holiday season has passed.


Cash in your loyalty points

Before embarking on your holiday shopping spree, take a moment to review your loyalty cards for any redeemable points. If you’ve been swiping your loyalty cards diligently during the year but haven’t yet cashed in those points, now is the perfect time to put them to good use. They can help offset your holiday shopping expenses significantly – whether you spend them on groceries, gifts, or just to spoil yourself.

And if you’re signed up to Greenbacks, remember that every card swipe earns you valuable Greenbacks, which you can redeem in many ways. You can spend them on Avo, use them to pay for banking fees, buy prepaid electricity, airtime or data with them, donate them to a charity close to your heart, or even withdraw them in cash. The choice is yours.


Happy shopping

Whether you’re dreaming of a cosy family gathering, a mouth-watering feast, or just some good old vegging out to admire the scenery, we’ve got your back. Get ready to slay your holiday budget with us! 

Make this season one to remember by stretching your budget further with Nedbank. Happy holidays!