Make every day Mother’s Day or Father’s Day


Most of us make a special effort to let our parents know they’re loved and appreciated when Mother’s Day and Father’s Day arrive every year. Cards, flowers and a celebration dinner are always popular, or if you live far apart, even just a phone call can make your mum or dad’s day. But does it ever strike you as odd that we set aside just 2 days a year to pay tribute to the people who nurture our bodies and souls, support our dreams and guide us through life?

If you treasure your parents, you’ll want to show them how much they mean to you every day, not just on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. This is easier when you’re a youngster still living at home – there are so many ways, in word and deed, that you can show appreciation for the example they set, the lessons they teach, and the love they have for you. However, once you’ve moved out to start your own family, you may find it harder to demonstrate that sense of mutual support with your mum and dad.

Let’s explore ways to strengthen your bonds and maintain a close relationship with your parents as an adult.


Call often


Set a reminder to call home and keep in touch with your parents. Life sometimes gets hectic, and you might go weeks without catching up. Make it a point to check in regularly, especially if your parents are empty nesters. If you have children and your mum and dad are doting grandparents, it’s just as important to ensure that they have regular contact with their grandchildren. Changes in your roles may result in a beautiful friendship with your parents.


You don’t have to wait for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day to show your parents how much they mean to you


Prioritise time for family get-togethers


Most of us lead very digital lives nowadays, and our mobile devices are a great way to chat or text our loved ones daily. But it’s not quite the same as face-to-face interactions when we can enjoy each other’s company in person, so make sure you spend time with your parents as a family. Having a meal together on the same day every week is a great family tradition to adopt, with you and your parents alternating as hosts. If you have siblings, uncles, aunts or cousins living in the same city, get them involved too.


Plan family holidays


If your family is scattered around the country and you can’t get together that often, why not plan a family trip once a year and gather all your relatives in 1 place for a week of quality time together? Family holidays can help strengthen bonds between the generations and create special memories to get us through tough times.


Share family outings and treats


Holidays need a budget, and you might need to save all year for an annual family trip. But there are plenty of more affordable ways to bring the family together on weekends and public holidays. It could be a picnic in a local beauty spot, a pizza-making party to celebrate a birthday, craft activities at a farmer’s market or arts festival, or even a night of puzzles and board games at home.

Of course, giving gifts is another way to show your parents you love them, so don’t think we’re dismissing Mother’s Day and Father’s Day as not worth celebrating. They’re the perfect opportunity to get your parents a little something to show them how much you appreciate everything they do for you – and you’ll always find the perfect gift for Mum or Dad at Avo SuperShop, our 1-stop shopping platform for everything from clothes to the latest tech gadgets.

Just remember that you don’t have to wait for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day to show your parents how much they mean to you. Show them every day while you can.