Learn more about financial abuse

Setting financial boundaries in your relationship.
Empower your relationship by setting clear financial boundaries for a healthier, happier future.

Taking back your financial power through investments
Learn how saving and investment can help you regain your independence.

The difference between romance and financial abuse
Don’t mistake controlling for caring.
Helpline: +27 11 591 6803
Are you, or someone you know, facing abuse from a partner? Call People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA) for support.
POWA is a local NGO dedicated to tackling gender-based violence in South Africa. Their services include shelter, free counselling, legal services, skills development opportunities, law and policy reform, advocacy and more.
Take control of your financial independence
Bite-size learning
Secure your future financial independence with free micro lessons.

Napkin finance
Understand key financial concepts like budgets, investments, credit and more.
Money conversations
Get tips on how to manage and grow your money.
Free resources
Empower yourself with Nedbank’s free financial resources.