Family having breakfast laughing

What is Value for Life?

With Value for Life, you get instant added value and benefits, including discounts, round-the-clock support services and more on selected products*. Now that’s insurance you can bank on every day.

Father and son on couch

Who qualifies?

If you’re an existing Nedbank Insurance policyholder, simply call 0860 000 538 to access Value for Life.

Value for Life benefits are available to you, your partner, children and domestic workers.

What does Value for Life offer?

Funeral support

Funeral support

Get the support you need in times of loss, including counselling as well as funeral and legal support.

You and all the persons covered under your policy have access to the following benefits and services if you lose a loved one:

  • Repatriation of remains: Transportation of the deceased to the funeral home closest to the place of burial.
  • Transport for one relative: One family member can accompany the deceased during the repatriation (limited to South Africa).    
  • One night’s accommodation: One night’s accommodation for the accompanying relative, when necessary.   
  • A grocery voucher worth R1,000: You must make use of the repatriation benefit to get the voucher, as it is not a standalone benefit.
Home Assist

Home Assist

Home disasters don’t stick to office hours. Call our round-the-clock helpline for emergency household repairs. 

  • Electrical issues.
  • Plumbing services.
  • Locksmiths.
  • Appliance repairs (major appliances, for example your fridge, freezer, stove or washing machine).      
  • Security service discounts*(security devices, home alarms and security gates).
  • Free callout and labour cost cover (free labour for the first hour only).
Trauma, assault and HIV

Trauma, assault and HIV

We offer cover for the following traumatic events: Rape, hi-jacking, child abuse, suicide or the death of close family members, domestic violence and abuse, kidnapping or abduction, gender-based violence and abuse, armed robbery and assault.

  • Medical cover up to R5,000 for bodily injuries.  
  • Personal trauma conselling cover up to R5,000.
  • Round-the-clock telephonic trauma counselling.
  • HIV-testing, medication and consultation cover up to R5,000, including three tests (the initial test, then six weeks after the first test and another one three months after the first test if the results are negative) as well as antiretroviral (ARV) medication. In the case of rape, your cover includes the morning-after pill and medication for sexually transmitted diseases.
Legal services

Legal services

When you have questions that only a legal advisor can answer, get the right advice from one of our legal advisors (an attorney, a paralegal or another qualified person) over the phone or meet with one of our panel attorneys.

  • Round-the-clock telephonic legal advice on.
  • Personal consultation (30 minutes).
  • Drafting of standard legal documents e.g.a will, domestic worker’s agreement.
  • Discount of 50% on attorney transfer and bond registration fees* if you use our panel of attorneys to register your bond.
  • Help with the Unemployment Insurance Fund, divorce maintenance application forms, landlord or tenant disputes and consumer complaints.

* To benefit from this service, call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Personal health advisor

Personal health advisor

This service includes the following benefits:

  • Counselling for chronic ailments.      
  • Round-the-clock telephonic emergency medical advice.
  • Assessment of symptoms and referral.     
  • Explained medical terms, test results and more.

Unlock your free Value for Life added benefits by calling 0860 000 538.

To see which products give you access to these great benefits and services, click here.

 * Terms and conditions apply.